Thinking Visually

Thinking Visually


June 6, 2019 | 1:30-4:30pm EST (US)

Social media marketing presents us with a constant charge to create visually. Whether we are crafting new images ourselves, curating from stock photos or designing on the fly, we are all visual storytellers now.

This is super fun for about 3% of us, and for the rest its a source of continual stress, or feelings of inadequacy. What a tragic state of affairs!

The good news is that the overwhelm is entirely preventable. You can design a toolkit of prompts, methods and strategies that will grow your skills as a visual storyteller and make generating images on the fly so much easier.

In this workshop I will share simple methods for designing and using creative processes that fit with the way YOUR creativity already operates, so you can consistently generate an on-brand, original and evolving visual story through your social media images.

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