Assignment 6: There’s no place like (your) HOME (page)!

Estimated time commitment: one hour

(for the love of all that is holy, turn off all your notifications!)


Making the magic last.


First, come on over to this thread in the Tactical Imagination Club and do some reflecting. We would love to know:

  • What did you do, make or say that surprised you this week?

  • What unexpected limiting beliefs or struggles did you bump into, and what did you learn about them?

  • In what ways is your web site fresher, more you, more powerful, more clear than it was before?

  • What do you still want to create for and in and with your web site?


Make a plan.

Since we are all a living embodiment of change, growth, reflection & perspective, in what ways can you see yourself engaging and nurturing (or plain ole updating)  your site more regularly? What small things can be done monthly -- or even quarterly -- for you to feel more confident in how you’re putting yourself out into the world?

New Year’s Eve may only be once a year, but a perpetually loved and nurtured website, brand, and continual ways of engaging will make every day flourish afresh! IT IS INDEED A BRAND NEW DAY!



The celebration scene from THE WIZ! Diana Ross as Dorothy? Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow? The final celebration an emerald disco party? MAGIC INDEED!

The celebration scene from THE WIZ! Diana Ross as Dorothy? Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow? The final celebration an emerald disco party? MAGIC INDEED!

Throw the confetti, pop the bubbly (or sparkling water, whatever’s your thing) kick back and take stock in all that you’ve done. You showed up, you did the work, you peeled back the layers of overwhelm and you DID THE DAMN THING. You killed the damn bland!

What’s your favorite ways of celebrating?

Dance party? Binge fest of your favorite show with the yummiest of snacks? A treat of an accessory or an outfit-- and whenever you wear it you are reminded of all of the ways you show up as you, for you, and loving the hell out of that- whatever that means. A celebratory selfie session? Registering for Incredimazing Sights? The sky is the limit!

Want quick access to all the assignments? You got it:

Day 1,Day 2,Day 3,Day 4,Day 5,Day 6


Index of all course livestreams

Finally, THANK YOU - for joining us in this goofy and educational (even for the teachers!) adventure. See you back in the Tactical Imagination Club, whizzes!

Love, Jenny and Amy