Welcome to CAHOOTS!


what to bring.


  1. A collection or box of papers, imagery, fabric, small objects - anything visual around you that you can gather into stack or box. This doesn’t need to be fancy collage papers; it can be things like paper bags, aluminum foil, packaging, leaves, fabrics, napkins, small objects, tree bark - if its somewhat flat and somewhat small, gather it. Nothing will be cut or glued or ruined, so don’t worry about that.

  2. Stuff to write on, and stuff to write with. Anything will do. If you want to go to an art supply store and get colored sharpies and poster paper, great. If you want to use crayons and cut-open paper bags, great. Whatever feels fun and easy for you.

  3. One book or magazine you don’t mind ruining.

  4. A camera or camera phone, well charged.


  1. Good Food. Food that makes you feel happy and well nourished. Food that gives you pleasure.

  2. Water, tea…let’s be hydrated!

  3. Comfy Clothes

  4. Space: to lay down, to stand up and dance, to be alone.

Finally: is there something that will help you make the day, and your space, feel special? Like flowers, candles, a good cleaning of the space? An altar? Coffee deliveries? Primal Screams? Karaoke? I’ll leave this one to you. Bless or curse your space to taste.

tell me about it!

I’ve got a form for you to fill out! It shouldn’t take you more than about 5 minutes. Just come tell me what’s top of mind for you right now when it comes to creative processes and your work and projects. Knowing more about you and what you are bringing to our day will help me make sure the retreat is designed well for all of us!

reflection questions.

What are some times that you feel, or have felt, in creative flow in your work?

What memories do you have of your life’s peak creative states?

What do you do to restart your creativity when you are feeling stuck?

What internal conditions help you to feel creative?

What external conditions help you to feel creative?

What internal conditions discourage your creativity?

What external conditions discourage your creativity?

Do you have a creative identity? Do you think of yourself as an artist or a creator? Why, or why not?